What Was I Thinking?
DH and the toddler wanted a boy's weekend out to go camping. No problem there - every once in a while it's good for us all to get a break from each other.
But I got the bright idea that I'd take off on my own to go visit some family (seven hours away) with the dog.
Obviously I haven't thought this through. How the heck am I going to use the bathroom when I'm traveling with a possessive beagle who doesn't like to sit in a car? I'm actually thinking about putting sunglasses on and wandering into the rest areas looking like a blind woman so I can keep Charlie with me. Otherwise, even with the car running and air conditioner on, the beagle will howl like he's being beaten. No joke - he went with me to pick up the toddler from day care the other day, and I thought he was going to commit doggycide while I was inside getting the boy. Nothing like a howling hound to get someone to call animal control on you. So I'm going to have to find pet-friendly rest areas... or pee in the woods... or go with my plan C, which is, again - to play blind.
Of course, my cover's going to be blown when anyone sees me get into the car and drive on. Details, details, details.
Pray for me, wouldja? And next time I promise to work out all the details before I do something dumb like tell my husband he doesn't have to take the dog camping with him. What was I thinking?
But I got the bright idea that I'd take off on my own to go visit some family (seven hours away) with the dog.
Obviously I haven't thought this through. How the heck am I going to use the bathroom when I'm traveling with a possessive beagle who doesn't like to sit in a car? I'm actually thinking about putting sunglasses on and wandering into the rest areas looking like a blind woman so I can keep Charlie with me. Otherwise, even with the car running and air conditioner on, the beagle will howl like he's being beaten. No joke - he went with me to pick up the toddler from day care the other day, and I thought he was going to commit doggycide while I was inside getting the boy. Nothing like a howling hound to get someone to call animal control on you. So I'm going to have to find pet-friendly rest areas... or pee in the woods... or go with my plan C, which is, again - to play blind.
Of course, my cover's going to be blown when anyone sees me get into the car and drive on. Details, details, details.
Pray for me, wouldja? And next time I promise to work out all the details before I do something dumb like tell my husband he doesn't have to take the dog camping with him. What was I thinking?
At 7:34 AM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
Hope your trip home went well.
Hint: Dogs really, really, really love to go camping!
At 7:40 AM,
Becky said…
Oh, that wasn't the issue. DH was worried about trying to deal with the toddler and the dog at the same time without the benefit of my assistance. They both do well with camping, but only the dog is good on a long car ride.
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