
She rambles a little, rants a little, and otherwise chronicles daily life in southwestern Virginia.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The Corner Office

So, to let you know why I've been so scarce lately, I got a promotion. It's a nice move for me and I finally get an office -- you know, with a door and everything. No longer in the land of the cubes! But it means I am much busier than I was before. Nothing personal -- unless you count that BO. Man, you should take a shower.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Dog Can Still Moo

The boys went camping for spring break, so it was just me and the beagle the last few days. Pretty nice -- work has been hectic, so coming home to a quiet house and getting to eat whatever I want, watch whatever I want and let's not forget I didn't have to do any potty training -- definitely nice. Not for always, mind you, just for a few days. I was ready for them to come home when they got back.

But it just confirmed what I already knew. My dog is the laziest dog on the face of the planet. He is a big wimp.

He slept in my husband's spot on the bed the whole time he was gone. Hubby, for those who didn't know, hogs the middle of the bed. I wasn't about to tolerate this from Charlie the Beagle, who doesn't smell nearly as nice as my hubby.

Tried to move the dog. He wouldn't budge. Tried to move him again. "Moooooo," he grunted, as he reluctantly shifted a mere centimeter.

I swear, he must have been a cow in his previous life.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Why Does This Bother Me So Much?

I despise the Easter Bunny.

What do I have against him?

Well, I guess it's more like, what do I have against the early Church?

It really bugs me that we have a wonderful Christian holiday that goes hand-in-hand with obvious, blatant symbols of fertility rituals from the ancient world. I just can't get behind the idea of a church hosting an egg hunt, for instance.

I don't want my little boy to grow up thinking Jesus has anything to do with paying homage to fertility goddesses by celebrating the rabbit or the egg.

But the catch-22 is... I guarantee you when we get to church Sunday morning, some well-meaning older person that doesn't think before they speak is going to ask Sam what the Easter Bunny brought him. So should I feel obligated to put a basket together for the kid, all the while feeling like I'm perpetuating something I detest? Or stick to my guns, and risk that the kid will find out he's missing out on a lot of candy?
