Why Does This Bother Me So Much?

I despise the Easter Bunny.
What do I have against him?
Well, I guess it's more like, what do I have against the early Church?
It really bugs me that we have a wonderful Christian holiday that goes hand-in-hand with obvious, blatant symbols of fertility rituals from the ancient world. I just can't get behind the idea of a church hosting an egg hunt, for instance.
I don't want my little boy to grow up thinking Jesus has anything to do with paying homage to fertility goddesses by celebrating the rabbit or the egg.
But the catch-22 is... I guarantee you when we get to church Sunday morning, some well-meaning older person that doesn't think before they speak is going to ask Sam what the Easter Bunny brought him. So should I feel obligated to put a basket together for the kid, all the while feeling like I'm perpetuating something I detest? Or stick to my guns, and risk that the kid will find out he's missing out on a lot of candy?
At 6:39 AM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
The thing that really bothers me is that most, if not all so called 'Christian' holidays are actually ancient pagan festivals that the Catholic church turned into Christian days to help convert the heathens. They're all made up and have no sound basis in the Bible or Christianity.
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