
She rambles a little, rants a little, and otherwise chronicles daily life in southwestern Virginia.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Over the Hill and Gaining Speed

We don't need to get into exactly how old or young I am, but my annual brush with my own mortality came and went this past week. And boy do I feel old.

I have two new part-time reporters working with me, both under the age of 23, which is a daily reminder of my mortality and lack of youth in itself. But.

I said something about Pat Benatar to one, and she said, "Who's he?"

I might as well retire now. Pushing 30 is evidently akin to pushing 80... to someone who's only just turned 21.


  • At 6:12 AM, Blogger Thomas J Wolfenden said…

    I still have this old Zippo lighter I use. Last night at work, one of the guys who works there and myself were standing outside and he asked me for a light. I handed it over and realized I bought the thing in basic training the years before he was born...

    I'll be 40 in December by the way... Send black ballons.

  • At 6:40 PM, Blogger Martin said…

    'Love is a battlefield' - and I'm only 25.

    Or already 25.


  • At 8:47 PM, Blogger Becky said…

    Yes... yikes, indeed.


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