Where's Bob Vila When You Need Him?
So, a week ago today, we started remodeling our bathroom. We removed the tub, thinking foolishly that we would only be sans shower for, oh, a day or two at the most.
Got the tub out only to discover that the previous owners of our house had not properly sealed the tub, thereby causing the walls behind to be warped and moldy. Had to cut them out and hang new drywall.
Went to replace the tub faucet and found that the previous owners had messed up the pipes such that our new faucet wouldn't fit without the assistance of an actual, licensed plumber.
And so it goes. The first plumber we hired was supposed to show up Monday for the roughly 20 minute job, but he busted his ankle doing an emergency flooded basement and had to cancel. (Not that he actually called us to tell us that -- by 1 pm when he hadn't shown for the 9 am appointment, we had to call the service to find out what was going on.) And since Virginia's been literally deluged this week by tropical rain, ever freakin' plumber in the mid-Atlantic is booked up dealing with flooded basements. The plumber who was supposed to show up Tuesday didn't show, and neither did the one Wednesday.
So here's knocking on some serious wood that the plumber who we scheduled to come in today will actually show up. I'm getting really tired of washing my hair in the sink!
Got the tub out only to discover that the previous owners of our house had not properly sealed the tub, thereby causing the walls behind to be warped and moldy. Had to cut them out and hang new drywall.
Went to replace the tub faucet and found that the previous owners had messed up the pipes such that our new faucet wouldn't fit without the assistance of an actual, licensed plumber.
And so it goes. The first plumber we hired was supposed to show up Monday for the roughly 20 minute job, but he busted his ankle doing an emergency flooded basement and had to cancel. (Not that he actually called us to tell us that -- by 1 pm when he hadn't shown for the 9 am appointment, we had to call the service to find out what was going on.) And since Virginia's been literally deluged this week by tropical rain, ever freakin' plumber in the mid-Atlantic is booked up dealing with flooded basements. The plumber who was supposed to show up Tuesday didn't show, and neither did the one Wednesday.
So here's knocking on some serious wood that the plumber who we scheduled to come in today will actually show up. I'm getting really tired of washing my hair in the sink!
At 12:36 PM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
Ah... The joys of home ownership!
Hope he showed up finally.
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