Career Move
I've had something sort of gnawing at the back of my mind, and I finally decided it's time to put it out there and let the chips fall where they may.
I am contemplating going back to school for my master's degree.
There are a few things keeping me from going ahead and signing up right now: 1) the money (DH is working on his master's so two of us doing it at the same time would be a burden), 2) our present location - no program in my field within a half-hour's drive, and 3) the possibility that I might want to branch out into something else.
Do I want to get a master's in education or communications and try to teach college? Do I want to get the master's in communications or journalism and stay put, hoping that it will eventually translate into a promotion locally? Do I want to chuck it all and try something completely different?
What's making that third option seem a little more attractive is, to be honest, Sam-the-Man. I work pretty long days, and I always have to work on holidays, not to mention the occasional weekend. Plus, even teachers make more money than journalists, believe it or not -- I actually picked a field that pays worse than education.
On the other hand, I really do like what I do, and the company I'm with now is spectacular. I know from having worked for Big Brother, at one locally-owned shop that was run by a serious tight-wad, and for public radio, that I have it really good where I am.
I suspect the answer is not going to come quickly, and I'm not sure I want it to. I'm going to be spending some time over the next weeks and months really thinking this over seriously, praying, thinking and praying some more, and maybe thinking or even praying about it.
I am contemplating going back to school for my master's degree.
There are a few things keeping me from going ahead and signing up right now: 1) the money (DH is working on his master's so two of us doing it at the same time would be a burden), 2) our present location - no program in my field within a half-hour's drive, and 3) the possibility that I might want to branch out into something else.
Do I want to get a master's in education or communications and try to teach college? Do I want to get the master's in communications or journalism and stay put, hoping that it will eventually translate into a promotion locally? Do I want to chuck it all and try something completely different?
What's making that third option seem a little more attractive is, to be honest, Sam-the-Man. I work pretty long days, and I always have to work on holidays, not to mention the occasional weekend. Plus, even teachers make more money than journalists, believe it or not -- I actually picked a field that pays worse than education.
On the other hand, I really do like what I do, and the company I'm with now is spectacular. I know from having worked for Big Brother, at one locally-owned shop that was run by a serious tight-wad, and for public radio, that I have it really good where I am.
I suspect the answer is not going to come quickly, and I'm not sure I want it to. I'm going to be spending some time over the next weeks and months really thinking this over seriously, praying, thinking and praying some more, and maybe thinking or even praying about it.
At 6:21 AM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
Becky, you really have to go where your heart tells you. When I got my BS I thought I was going to stay in law enforcement. Now with my mid-life career change, the degree I have isn't worth the paper it's printed on. With DH going to school too, and your little one, you do have to weigh those options too...
I haven't a clue what to tell you at this point, but I've been saying for quite a while now it's really not the money in the long run, it's whether you're happy or not. I know you enjoy doing what you do, and you're very good at it the few times I've heard your broadcasts.
I could be back on the PD making 60K a year again and be miserable, or doing something I actually like doing for far less... I'll take the job where I'm not miserable all the time.
And what's more money really get you after a certain point? As long as I'm comfortable I'll be happy. I learned a lot in the last few years that all the stuff I accumulated over the years was just that. Stuff. I've been without most of it and I've come to realize I never really needed that stuff at all.
The main thing is, before I go off and ramble anymore is what's more important to you and your family? More money down the road or doing something you actually like doing and having the time to spend with your husband and little guy?
I know what I'd chose.
At 6:29 AM,
Martin said…
Only time will tell, grasshopper.
Good luck with it.
At 8:33 AM,
Becky said…
Tom: The problem is, doing what I like doing and having time to spend with my little guy don't come with the same job. It's a catch-22.
Martin: Wise you are, yes. :)
At 8:57 PM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
I see Becky... I guess I'll just have to fall back onto what Martin said...
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