Before and After

Now I've officially heard it all. There is apparently a huge controversy brewing over the children's book, Goodnight Moon, a personal favorite of my son's, Sam-the-Man. Why?
Because the picture of the illustrator on the back, Clement Hurd, showed him holding a cigarette. So the powers-that-be decided they needed to PhotoShop it out.
Don't get me wrong, I think smoking is a nasty, abhorrent habit and people who smoke are just asking for an early death.
But. Can. We. Just. Get. Over. Our. Political. Correctness?!?!
I thought it was bad when Steven Spielberg saw fit to edit all the guns out of E.T. Now I can't decide which is worse. Can't we just leave well enough alone? Yes, there's a man smoking on the back. You know what, I am fully capable of telling my son smoking is evil. And trust me, that guy's not making it look too cool so I'm really not worried. OK?
At 9:17 PM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
This PC BS has go waaaay out of control... I'm sick to death of it.
What about Disney making the ed of the movie Pearl Harbor different as to not make the Japanese look bad...
What was that all about? Oh, yeah, you guys bombed us but you're really the good guys in this film about you destroying our entire Pacific fleet and killing over 2000 servicemen in a sneak-attack, but we'll make you look like nice guys because we don't want to offend you...
You know what? I'm offended by that!
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