Let the Sun Shine!
Leeeeeeet the sun shiiine!
Leeeeeeet the sun shine in - the su-uuun shine iiiiiin!
Everybody now!
Can I just say how refreshing it is not to be living like a vampire anymore? My son didn't get up until 7:30 a.m. or a little after this morning, so even though I woke up before my alarm did at 6:50, I still had not only QUIET time before he got up... I also had DAYLIGHT greeting me! I don't have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn anymore! It's not dark and early when I get up anymore!
Let the sun shine in, my friend!
Oh, yeah. Happy fourth! Hug a veteran and remember what was sacrificed so you could have the freedom to work and play and worship the way you think is right. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost both their property and their lives for the cause of liberty. Would you do the same?
Leeeeeeet the sun shine in - the su-uuun shine iiiiiin!
Everybody now!
Can I just say how refreshing it is not to be living like a vampire anymore? My son didn't get up until 7:30 a.m. or a little after this morning, so even though I woke up before my alarm did at 6:50, I still had not only QUIET time before he got up... I also had DAYLIGHT greeting me! I don't have to get up at the butt-crack of dawn anymore! It's not dark and early when I get up anymore!
Let the sun shine in, my friend!
Oh, yeah. Happy fourth! Hug a veteran and remember what was sacrificed so you could have the freedom to work and play and worship the way you think is right. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost both their property and their lives for the cause of liberty. Would you do the same?
At 9:22 PM,
Brooke Lee said…
YEAY!!! I'm so happy YOU are so happy with your new schedule. I know that you know that I know that YOU know that I totally understand the weird schedule thing! I'm STILL a mess from so many years on night shift. ;0|
BTW, thanks for the cool song today! That has always been one of my favorites and I have been singing right along with you today. :0D
As for the holiday - I did manage to express my love and gratitude with not only one, but TWO servicemen today. One being a retired Colonel (you-know-who) and the other being someone in WA (you-also-know-who). Even though our gov't does some really, REALLY stupid things (like that recent Supreme Court decision fiasco) - I will forever be grateful to the bone to the incredibly self-sacrificing, brave, loyal & beloved service men and women who have made it possible for even the idiots to voice their opinions at will, amongst the other gifts of freedom. THANK YOU GUYS...AND HAPPY 4th!!!
At 6:06 AM,
Thomas J Wolfenden said…
I'd have told my boos I was vitamin E difficient...
Glad to hear you're back on a shift you like, and thanks also for the well wishes!
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