
She rambles a little, rants a little, and otherwise chronicles daily life in southwestern Virginia.

Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm So Disappointed...

Did anybody else besides me foolishly tune in to see Kelsey Grammer's musical version of A Christmas Carol last night?

The stench is still in my nostrils. Generally, I'm in favor of stories being put to music. But this was especially painful. And stinky. Did I mention rank? Foul. Ick.

Now I remember why it is I never watch TV.

Friday, November 26, 2004

What do you do...

...when you really and truly hurt for someone?

Poor DH just can't seem to win when it comes to his family. He called to wish one of them a happy Thanksgiving and got a serious tongue lashing.

I want to do something to help, but I guess just being here is enough.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

All I Want For Christmas

We have *really* gotten away from what Christmas is all about, and nothing makes that more clear than a conversation at a recent Sunday School class outing.

We grown-ups stayed on the fringes while our little ones... from two (mine) to eight, with several inbetween... playing in front of us.

"What do you want from Santa this year?" asked a four-year-old of the eight-year-old.

"An American Girl doll and a computer and a pink bike helmet and a goldfish," the eight-year-old ticked off on her fingers, "and clothes for my Samantha doll, and the books that go with Samantha and Nellie."

"I want..."

"I want..."

"I want..."

I want my little boy to know what Christmas Eve was like at my Granny's house when I was small. I still remember cuddling close to her soft, plump side, her arm around me with her Bible in her other hand, leaning close to get the best light from the candle that she lit just this night. The blue glass of the candle holder had the shapes of Wise Men and a star etched in it, casting those shadows on the wall to make the journey to Bethlehem as she read to our entire family... four-years-old to 70... from the gospel of Luke.

I want my little boy to know, without question, that he is loved. Not just by me, mind you. He's loved so much that Jesus left the wonders of Heaven and was born among the hay and the sheep dander and the cow patties in a stable in a village inn.

I want my little boy to go to sleep understanding what a wonderful precious choice was made that night.

I want my little boy to be secure in knowing that his mommy and daddy will never stop loving him, no matter what.

I want my little boy to really know about Christmas, the real one... the one that's hiding behind all the tinsel and glitz and sparkle and bows.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Mental Health Break

It's been a while. Elections are pretty hairy for those of us on the reporting end of things. I had to take a break afterward for my own sanity.

Mental health time is always a good thing. But now it's good to be back to writing.