
She rambles a little, rants a little, and otherwise chronicles daily life in southwestern Virginia.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

70-some-odd Things You Didn't Know About Me

1. I am a reporter/anchor for a news/talk radio station by day, and I do freelance copyediting and proofreading at night.

2. Most of my underwear is either purple or blue.

3. I love jazz, especially seriously old school stuff like Dizzy Gillespie or Duke Ellington.

4. I ate chocolate cake for lunch today.

5. I don't believe in wishing on stars.

6. I don't have a favorite color.

7. I especially love fall weather.

8. I can't call my sister unless I block out at least two hours or more for the conversation. :)

9. I am REAAAAALLLY afraid of scary movies.

0. My birthday is September 20.

11. I have a big weakness for General Foods International Coffees. (Jean Luc!)

12. I will never give up my love for my Kentucky Wildcats.

13. I colored my hair for the first time ever a month ago. Reddish highlights.

14. My eyes actually got better after I gave birth to my son - I was farsighted before and now I have 20/20 vision.

15. My dog sleeps on my bed.

16. I can't stand coconut anything.

17. My favorite food is peanut butter and jelly.

18. I went to see "Elizabethtown" this weekend, enjoyed myself immensely, and recognized a number of the places filmed as being either around the corner from one of my first apartments or down the street from it. And yes, I know what Ale8-1 is... and no, I don't drink it.

19. I am ashamed to admit I have recently become addicted to Desperate Housewives.

20. I yell when I am angry.

21. Sometimes I throw things.

22. I am horrible with things that grow. I could kill a plastic plant.

23. I am a hugger, not a hand-shaker.

24. If forced to make a choice, I'll pick raspberry over blueberry every time.

25. I have self-esteem problems.

26. I am a proud graduate of the Kentucky public schools. They're better than you think.

27. I can roller skate, but I don't understand football at all.

28. My dining room table doubles as an art studio and writing desk.

29. I cry at the drop of a hat... especially when it involves weddings, Christmas or happy endings. I cry every time I watch "It's a Wonderful Life."

30. I can't close my closet all the way because of all the junk on the floor of it.

31. I met my husband in junior high. (But no, I didn't date him then.)

32. I don't celebrate Halloween.

34. I love to sing.

35. The idea of losing my little boy in a crowd terrifies me silly.

36. The best hamburger in the whole world used to be at a place called Banana's on Richmond Road in Lexington, KY. Sadly... Banana's is no more. A moment of silence, if you will.

37. I drive a ten-year-old Chevy Cavalier.

38. I think poodles are mutants and an abomination against dogkind.

39. I have no less than ten keys, six key-cards and my work I.D. card on my key chain.

40. I got my first real radio job (not college radio) six months before I graduated.

41. I think Tuesdays rock, and I don't know why.

42. I went to four different elementary schools and two high schools.

43. My husband and I have spent Christmas in a different place every year of the seven that we've been married.

44. I don't like to sleep with my head under a window.

45. I get up at 6:45 every day.

46. Given the choice, I'd pick pearls over diamonds.

47. I am addicted to Law and Order: SVU.

48. I think reality shows are contrived and dull.

49. I usually don't eat breakfast.

50. My middle name is Rose.

51. I am a huge closet Lisa Loeb fan.

52. I am the baby sister.

53. I don't like sour cream potato chips at all.

54. I love the Mary Tyler Moore show. Thank you, TV Land!

55. The turkey reuben at Macado's is to-die-for.

56. I detest snobbiness.

57. I also detest low-riders.

58. I hope one day to visit Scotland.

59. I originally majored in music and attended the University of Kentucky on a piano scholarship for two years before changing my major.

60. I don't like to be too hot.

61. I think I'd like to retire to the mountains. I'm already here, so I know how pretty it is.

62. My favorite time of day is before my son wakes up!

63. I have a sister, a brother, two step-sisters and one step-brother.

64. My son is a miracle baby - I wasn't supposed to be able to have him.

65. I prefer RC Cola, generally, though it's hard to come by anymore.

66. My feet are really small.

67. I was born blonde. (I am decidedly NOT blonde now.)

68. I briefly lived in Winston-Salem, North Carolina as a child.

69. My earliest memory is my third birthday party.

70. My worst habit is probably that I eat chocolate rather than cope with stress.

71. My best childhood memory is riding a toboggan with my older brother down a snow-covered slope behind our old house.

72. The crappiest job I have ever held was working as a Kroger deli clerk.

73. I play six musical instruments - seven if you count the guitar I got for Christmas. But you probably shouldn't!

74. My dad used to call me "Boodles."

75. I have pierced ears.

76. My eyes are hazel.

77. When I was young, I wanted to BE my sister when I grew up.

78. I once spent a whopping two hours in Canada.

79. I flunked my driver's test the first time.


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