
She rambles a little, rants a little, and otherwise chronicles daily life in southwestern Virginia.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Thanking God for the Little Stuff

A clean bill of health for a toddler may not sound like a big deal, but boy is that a blessing I can count.

Sam's growing just fine and right on track even if he is the strong, silent type (no sentences yet... just demands like NO! and one-word observances like, "Baby?").

We forget sometimes to thank God for the small stuff... which isn't as small as you think. This time last year, we were looking at constant ear infections and thinking about ear tubes for our little guy. Several hundred half-teaspoons of Claritin nightly later... there's no ear infection in sight and our Sam-the-man is a happy, healthy kid.

We have clothes and food and shelter, we have our health. Thank you, God, for the not-so-small stuff!


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